Magis Productions

Magis (pronounced “mah-gis”) is a Latin word that means “more” or “better.” It is related to Ad majorem Dei Gloriam, a Latin phrase meaning “for the greater glory of God.” Magis refers to the philosophy of doing more, for Christ, and therefore doing more for others. It is an expression of an aspiration and inspiration.

As a photographer, I see the world through the lens of who I am and the life I’ve lived. I can’t help but photograph from the life of faith that I’ve grown into as a priest over the past 49 years. I photograph to tell the stories of people who have no voice. Hopefull I can help others understand and work to change unjust social structures.

Don Doll, S.J.

Purchase my book here.

Click for New York Times review, and for America The Jesuit Review

A Call to Vision, A Jesuit's Perspective on the World 
details the story of my 'vocation within a vocation' as a Jesuit photographer. 

Your donation is deposited into Creighton University's Vision Quest Fund for scholarships to Native Americans.